by Kelly Hannaghan
by Kelly Hannaghan
Do you give your pupils a voice when it comes to their wellbeing? Kelly Hannaghan provides an example wellbeing survey to better understand their needs and plan interventions
How do you know if a pupil is experiencing low mood or showing symptoms of depression? Kelly Hannaghan describes why the language we use is key when talking to pupils who may be struggling with mental health issues
The government recommends that all schools and colleges have a designated mental health lead (DMHL), also known as a designated lead for mental health (DLMH) or wellbeing lead. Kelly Hannagan provides a customisable template to help you compile an appropriate job description
Pupil mental health is high on the agenda for schools. Do we know enough about the resources available to implement quality SEMH interventions?
The RSE curriculum states that all pupils need to be taught about mental wellbeing. What does this mean in practice? Kelly Hannaghan shares ways to teach pupils about recognising and understanding emotions
Educators spend so much of their time looking after the mental health of the pupils in their care, but what do we do as leaders to safeguard staff wellbeing?
Kelly Hannaghan explains how engaging parents has improved wellbeing for her school community, changed lives and highlighted the power of connection