AI and Ease: Reducing Teacher Workload and Transforming Education

AI and Ease: Reducing Teacher Workload and Transforming Education2024-06-05T08:26:54+00:00

Online Training

Understand the positives of AI technology and use it to enhance the experience of students and staff, benefiting their wellness.

In the rapidly evolving educational landscape, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents both opportunities and challenges for the wellbeing of students and staff.

Course Information

Coffee Break
9.30am – 10.45am
24th April 2025
Couch Session
4.00pm – 5.15pm
4th February 2025

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Course Objectives

Understand the potential benefits and challenges of AI integration in education2024-05-08T20:44:48+00:00
Recognise the impact of AI on student wellbeing, including mental health, privacy, and social-emotional development2024-05-08T20:44:48+00:00
Explore strategies to promote student and staff wellbeing in AI-driven educational environments2024-05-08T20:44:28+00:00
Equip educators and stakeholders with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about AI integration2024-05-08T20:44:48+00:00
Foster a community of practice for ongoing learning and collaboration in the field of AI and education2024-05-08T20:44:49+00:00

what the course covers

Our mastermind session, “AI and Wellbeing in Education,” is tailored specifically for school staff, aiming to explore the profound impact of AI technologies on educational environments. This session delves into the ethical use of AI, focusing on how it can support rather than undermine the mental and emotional wellbeing of the school community.

Participants will be introduced to cutting-edge AI applications that enhance personalised learning, streamline administrative tasks, and provide insights into student performance and wellbeing trends. We will discuss strategies to implement AI tools responsibly, ensuring they complement traditional teaching methods while safeguarding data privacy and promoting digital literacy.

The session will also address the potential stressors and ethical dilemmas posed by AI, offering guidance on maintaining a healthy balance between technological advancements and human-centric educational values. Through interactive discussions and case studies, attendees will learn to navigate the complexities of AI in education, fostering an environment that supports both academic excellence and the holistic wellbeing of students and staff.

Who is the course for?

AI (artificial intelligence) is the future and learning to embrace it in an educational setting benefits students and staff. This course is for any school staff interested to learn more about AI and wellness and how the two can go hand in hand with each other. Whether you’re a teacher, head teacher, SENCO, teaching assistant, classroom assistant, pastoral carer or mental health lead, this course suits anyone thinking innovatively.

Would you like to have this online course delivered to your school as half day session?

Contact us for more information

What our Customers Say

I have followed Kelly on social media for a while and have been inspired by her commitment to leading wellbeing at her school and in her trust. Last week I had the privilege of hearing her speak and I was blown away. She is so passionate, so committed and so inspiring in the vision she has for creating healthy schools.

The provision she has co-created is really impressive and models a whole school approach, a whole child approach, and a whole family approach. I am desperate to go and visit and experience it for myself. Her values and her integrity are reflected in the collaborations she has developed with her whole community.

Hannah Wilson, Diverse Educators Ltd
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