How to Survive Teaching in the Perfect Storm: with the 7 Pillars of Self-Care

How to Survive Teaching in the Perfect Storm: with the 7 Pillars of Self-Care2024-06-05T08:43:19+00:00

Online Training

The Seven Pillars of Self-Care training focuses on teachers’ wellbeing, providing in-depth look at the seven pillars of self-care and how utilising them plays a huge part in our everyday lives.

The training shows the importance of practising self-care ensuring teachers support their wellbeing, and impacting the wider community around them. Looking after your wellbeing has a positive effect on the world around you

Course Information


Coffee Break Learning
9.30am – 10.45am
8th May 2025
Couch Session
4.00pm – 5.15pm
1st October 2024

Book your place & Request an invoice

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Course Objectives

Learn effective techniques to utilise self-care in your everyday life, benefiting your personal and work life.2024-05-21T13:06:47+00:00
Understand the benefits of practicing self-care for teacher wellbeing and the wider school environment2024-05-21T13:07:32+00:00
Explore techniques and strategies to manage workload and create work-life balance.2024-05-21T13:08:11+00:00
Take-away ideas and resources to protect your career in teaching2024-05-21T13:08:43+00:00

what the course covers

This course – Needs more Info

Who is the course for?

More details to follow

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What our Customers Say

I have followed Kelly on social media for a while and have been inspired by her commitment to leading wellbeing at her school and in her trust. Last week I had the privilege of hearing her speak and I was blown away. She is so passionate, so committed and so inspiring in the vision she has for creating healthy schools.

The provision she has co-created is really impressive and models a whole school approach, a whole child approach, and a whole family approach. I am desperate to go and visit and experience it for myself. Her values and her integrity are reflected in the collaborations she has developed with her whole community.

Hannah Wilson, Diverse Educators Ltd
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