Privacy Policy

Welcome to (Mind Work Matters).We understand that privacy online is important to users of our Site, especially when conducting business. This statement governs our privacy policies with respect to those users of the Site (”Visitors”) who visit without transacting business and Visitors who register to transact business on the Site and make use of the various services offered by (collectively, ”Services”) (”Authorized Customers”).

”Personally Identifiable Information”

refers to any information that identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the person to whom such information pertains, including, name, address, phone number, email address, name of organisation and credit card details. Personally Identifiable Information does not include information that is collected anonymously (that is, without identification of the individual user) or demographic information not connected to an identified individual.

What Personally Identifiable Information is collected?

We may collect basic user profile information from all of our Visitors. We collect the following additional information from our Contact form: name, email address, job title, name of organisation, as information on your enquiry.

What organisations are collecting the information?

In addition to our direct collection of information, our third party service vendors; Calendly, Beefree, Google Analytics and Stripe are used alongside our website and store relevant information only.

How does the Site use Personally Identifiable Information?

We use Personally Identifiable Information to customise the Site and to make appropriate service offerings. We may email our new and existing client base with information relating to their purchases, as well as updates on new services and any other relevant information related to the industry.

With whom may the information may be shared?

Personally, identifiable information is shared within the Mind Work Matters team, depending on their roles, to facilitate enquiries and services. We offer the opportunity to ”opt out” of receiving newsletters and any other marketing communcations at any time.

How is Personally Identifiable Information stored?

Personally Identifiable Information collected is safely stored in the selected third party websites mentioned above and access is restricted to only those who require it for their role.

What choices are available to Visitors regarding collection, use and distribution of the information?

All new and existing clients and visitors to the Mind Work Matters website may opt out of receiving unsolicited information from or being contacted by clicking the ’Opt-out’ link at the bottom of the email, responding to the email or by emailing

Are Cookies Used on the Site?

Cookies are used for a variety of reasons. We use Cookies to obtain information about the preferences of our visitors and the services they select in order to improve the user experience.

What partners or service providers have access to Personally Identifiable Information from Visitors and/or Authorized Customers on the Site?

The third party vendors mentioned above have access to relevant personally identifiable information in order to facilitate our service as well as promote our services and products as we see relevant.

How does the Site keep Personally Identifiable Information secure?

All of our employees and contractors are familiar with our security policy and practices. The Personally Identifiable Information of our Visitors is only accessible to relevant members of the team depending on their roles. We audit our security systems and processes on a regular basis. Sensitive information, such as credit card details are securely stored within Stripe (Online banking solution) with only limited information available to Mind Work Matters.

How can Visitors correct any inaccuracies in Personally Identifiable Information?

Visitors may contact us to update Personally Identifiable Information about them or to correct any inaccuracies by emailing us at

Can a Visitor delete or deactivate Personally Identifiable Information collected by the Site?

We provide visitors with a mechanism to delete/deactivate Personally Identifiable Information from the Site’s database by contacting However, because of backups and records of deletions, it may be impossible to delete a Visitor’s entry without retaining some residual information.

What happens if the Privacy Policy Changes?

Updates to our Privacy policy will be made via this web page which will be made as regularly as necessary. Permission will be requested from new and existing clients before any feedback/testimonials/case studies are shared within our website/newsletter/social media for marketing purposes.


Our website/blog posts/marketing material(s) may contact links to other relevant websites/materials. Please note that when you click on one of these links, you are moving to another website. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of these linked sites as their privacy policies may differ from ours.